by Robert Tisserand | Apr 19, 2013 | Aromatherapy / Research, Sense of smell
Published 8-April-2013 by Jenny Hope at Why a whiff of rosemary DOES help you remember: Sniffing the herb can increase memory by 75% • The Tudors believed rosemary had powers to enhance memory • In Hamlet, Ophelia says ‘There’s rosemary that’s for...
by Robert Tisserand | Apr 12, 2013 | Aromatherapy / Research, Interview, Sense of smell
Florian Birkmayer, M.D., founded the Birkmayer Institute in 2009 to offer holistic person-centered psychiatry and addiction medicine as well as seminars and workshops on a wide range of holistic topics to facilitate self-transformation and continued self-development....
by Robert Tisserand | Mar 1, 2012 | Aromatherapy / Research, News, Sense of smell
In 1652, English herbalist Nicholas Culpeper wrote, about rosemary: “Helps a weak memory and quickens the senses. The chymical [essential] oil drawn from the leaves and flowers, is a sovereign help…touch the temples and nostrils with two or three...
by Robert Tisserand | Dec 16, 2011 | Interview, News, Sense of smell
I met Kelly when I gave a talk in April 2011 in Sidney BC, for the British Columbia Association of Practicing Aromatherapists . Kelly is on the BCAPA Board and is working on her PhD dissertation in Chemical Ecology at Simon Fraser University. She recently returned...
by rtisserand | Jun 7, 2011 | Guest posts, Sense of smell
Hi, my name is Gina Flores! A couple of weeks ago I asked Robert if he knew of any research linking olfaction with the lymphatic system and cerebrospinal fluid, and he sent me links to a couple of recent and fascinating papers. This inspired me to write the article...
by rtisserand | May 3, 2011 | Fragrance, Sense of smell
Plants create essential oils by mixing together dozens of fragrant molecules. The functions of these fragrant molecules is primarily to attract pollinators and repel herbivores (generally insects in both cases) and to guard against fungal or bacterial infection....