by Robert Tisserand | Feb 26, 2012 | Aromatherapy / Research, Guest posts
The following text is the editorial comment in Medicinal & Aromatic Plants, Vol. 1 issue 1 2012. I have reproduced it in full as it expresses my own sentiments more eloquently and economically than I could do myself. The editor is Paul Schnitzler, who works at the...
by Robert Tisserand | Jan 29, 2012 | Aromatherapy / Research
A frequent criticism of aromatherapy is that there are few clinical trials demonstrating efficacy over placebo. Medical interests in both Australia and the UK have recently lobbied to withdraw government funding from university departments teaching any kind of...
by Robert Tisserand | Sep 26, 2011 | Aromatherapy / Research, Q & A
Hi Robert. Could you recommend some particularly good sources/sites for current peer-evaluated journal articles supporting the efficacy of essential oils against MRSA. Also articles that demonstrate the therapeutic/healing benefits of essential oils in chronic...
by Robert Tisserand | Aug 25, 2011 | Aromatherapy / Research, Myth-busting, Rants, Safety
Dit artikel is ook beschikbaar in het Nederlands! A question came up recently on TheBeautyBrains forum: Lavender oil in cosmetics – does it cause skin cell death, and is that a problem? This was in response to the description of “lavender extract and oil” on...
by Robert Tisserand | Jul 16, 2011 | Aromatherapy / Research, Interview
During my mini-tour of Australia in October 2010 I interviewed Ron Guba in Melbourne. Some of this interview is shown above, in which Ron talks about his use of essential oils to treat very small, early-stage skin cancers or pre-cancerous lesions. These were not...
by rtisserand | Jun 23, 2011 | Aromatherapy / Research, Q & A
Wendy N. writes: Hi Robert, I trust this finds you well. Can you direct me to any research that discusses the use of essential oils & aromatherapy in pain management please? I am currently doing some training at an aged and palliative care facility and this is one...